Selasa, 10 April 2012


I want to spend less time on the internet; I assume most people nowadays feel the same way. I have not improved at all since the calendar flipped over to 2012. I feel comfortable in assuming this is the case for most people who try to cut internet social interaction out of their lives. I know one person on  FB who has just replaced his FB forum time with tweets and FB comments. FB COMMENT. It doesn’t get
any more desperate than commenting on FACEBOOK. That is like when Josh Hamilton took whatever painkillers he could to simulate his Oxycodane addiction (note: I have no idea how accurate this is).

It took me about a month, but I finally did some intense exercise in 2012. And it was only due to the insistence of my friends. And it was only for 15 effective minutes out of a total 30. I better take at least a couple of runs this week or else the indoor soccer game I have next Friday is going to be an unmitigated disaster.

I’m not sure how much I need to expand on this topic, considering the initial section of this blog post. I did get the number of another  new friend on Monday class, though. Unfortunately, it ended up being the wrong number. I figured this would happen after I asked the girl for her number, I typed it into my phone knowing it was wrong, asked her if the last four digits I had typed into my phone were right, she said they were wrong, and I typed them in half-heartedly knowing they were wrong yet again but didn’t want to ask a third time. Me.

I also have replaced one unhealthy online obsession (which existed in the real world for a short period of time) with another unhealthy online obsession. Is this progress?

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