Selasa, 10 April 2012


It’s awesome when you’re walking your dog and you think of a whole personal rant about writing and then when you get home and sit in front of your massive laptop, you have no urge other than the one to hit F5 while surfing the same few websites.
I’ve now had this post editing box up for an hour without typing anything. This is what happens when you talk on post on forums while watching a playoff soccer game…


I want to spend less time on the internet; I assume most people nowadays feel the same way. I have not improved at all since the calendar flipped over to 2012. I feel comfortable in assuming this is the case for most people who try to cut internet social interaction out of their lives. I know one person on  FB who has just replaced his FB forum time with tweets and FB comments. FB COMMENT. It doesn’t get

Jumat, 06 April 2012

Called Piaman

I am going to talk about my hometown, Pariaman.  It is a small city which is located along the coastline of the Indian ocean, western part of Indonesia and the western most of West Sumatra. It is particularly a small city near the beach, not too hot and not too cold, typical tropical cities where the rain falls in rainy season and hot in dry season.

Bali Island (UPDATE)

Bali has been declared as the most interesting tourism atraction in the world by the UNESCO. Bali is located at the middle of  Indonesia Archepilago, between Java island and Lombok islands. Bali islands covers an extent of 5,632.86 square kilometers consisted of mountain range stretches from the West tip to the East.

 It is a beautiful tropical island in the archipelago of Indonesia. It is famous with the exotic view, vibrant art and culture, natural beauties and the hospitality of the people.The province is divided into 8 regencies and 1 city. They are Jembrana

Kamis, 05 April 2012

Walk to Remember

When I was a child I had a lot of time to play. I used to play with friends in a rice field near my house and school yard. If my mother did not ask me to stop I would never stop playing. I always remember the moment I played soccer and swam afterward, want to come back to that time again. I think my childhood is all about coconut-trees-field football and dreaming to be a teacher.