Selasa, 13 November 2018

Stop the Bus

Stop the bus game is an extraordinary game that can help your students review the lesson and save you in the last ten minutes when you are running out of ideas. For warming up, this game can be used to revise all the vocabulary learned in the previous lessons, say it was  about sports and hobbies then you can put this set of lexical as one category in the game. It is really fun game and teens like it. They get really excited to be the first one to say stop the bus.

To play this game you can follow the following steps:

  • Have students work in group of 2 or 3.
  • Draw a table on the board with categories or sets of words you want to review. For example, food and drinks, sports, sea animals and so on. 
  • Have students draw the same table on a paper. Teacher give an example line of answer for the first time.
  • Students simply need to think of one word beginning  with the set letter based on the categories  given and the first team to finish shouts “Stop the Bus”.
  • Teacher check their work and if they are all okay that team get a point. If there are any mistakes in their words, they have to fix them and the other team can steal the point.
  • If students find it  difficult to get the words, teacher can help by giving clues or by reducing the numbers of categories. You can say for this round you can stop the bus with only 3 categories.
  • Simple as that!
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